Bars/Pubs Cuisine Classic / Oldham (176)
Change cityBar/Pub Scooby's Wine Bar
, Oldham, OL25PE - Lancashire
1.5 0 26
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub Shanghai Wong Restaurant
Shanghai Wong Restaurant, Oldham, OL35RQ - Lancashire
1.5 0 15
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub Falconers Arms
, Oldham, OL84HF - Lancashire
1.5 0 25
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub Shaw Comrades Social Club
, Oldham, OL28SB - Lancashire
1.5 0 25
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub Famous King George
, Oldham, OL83AA - Lancashire
1.5 0 26
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub Farmers Boy
, Oldham, OL42RB - Lancashire
1.5 0 28
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub Shepherds Boy
, Oldham, OL42HD - Lancashire
1.5 0 20
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub Farrars Arms
, Oldham, OL44HL - Lancashire
1.5 0 22
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub Flower Pot Inn
, Oldham, OL26HQ - Lancashire
1.5 0 39
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub Friarmere Cricket Club
West View, Oldham, OL35TR - Lancashire
1.5 0 44
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub Smooth Bar
Unit 2, Oldham, OL99ET - Lancashire
1.5 0 40
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub Friendship Inn
, Oldham, OL43AF - Lancashire
1.5 0 36
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub Front House
, Oldham, OL44PH - Lancashire
1.5 0 9
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub Spinners Arms
, Oldham, OL84RF - Lancashire
1.5 0 27
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub Spotted Cow
, Oldham, OL12BL - Lancashire
1.5 0 20
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub Spring Bank Bowling Club
Springbank Bowling Club, Oldham, OL99HT - Lancashire
1.5 0 10
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub Spring Vale Inn
, Oldham, OL90JH - Lancashire
1.5 0 12
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub Golden Fleece
, Oldham, OL35SS - Lancashire
1.5 0 15
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub Springhead A.F.C.
Ashfield Cres. Playing Field, Oldham, OL44HY - Lancashire
1.5 0 20
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub Springhead Liberal Club
, Oldham, OL45SN - Lancashire
1.5 0 17
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub Squire Knott
, Oldham, OL13SL - Lancashire
1.5 0 17
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub St Annes Rugby League Club
St Annes Rugby League Club, Oldham, OL13JY - Lancashire
1.5 0 25
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub St Edwards Parish Centre
St Edwards Rc Presbytery, Oldham, OL45AJ - Lancashire
1.5 0 7
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub Granby Arms
, Oldham, OL36HR - Lancashire
1.5 0 47
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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Bar/Pub Greaves Arms
, Oldham, OL13RZ - Lancashire
1.5 0 20
# 179 from 179 Bars/Pubs in Oldham
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