Restaurants Cuisine British / Nottingham (116)
Change cityRestaurant Hopkinson
21 Station St, Nottingham, NG23AJ - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 33
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant Edin's Deli Cafe
15 Broad St, Nottingham, NG13AJ - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 36
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant Brewleys
66 Derby Rd, Nottingham, NG97AB - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 29
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant Dog and Duck
Mansfield Road Underwood, Nottingham, NG11AA - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 67
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant The Glee Club
British Waterways Building, Castle Wharf, Canal St, Nottingham, NG17EH - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 176
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant Larwood and Voce
Fox Rd, Nottingham, NG26AJ - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 30
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant Waters Edge
Castle Bridge Rd, Nottingham, NG71GX - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 44
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant Scottish and Newcastle
69 Nottingham Rd, Nottingham, NG77AJ - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 22
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant Bread and Bitter
153-155 Woodthorpe Dr, Nottingham, NG35JL - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 21
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant Cast
Wellington Circus, Nottingham, NG15AN - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 33
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant The Seven Mile House
1 Mansfield Rd, Nottingham, NG158FJ - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 12
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant Beefeater Boathouse
Castle Marina Park, Nottingham, NG71GX - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 29
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant Bistro Live
2 Barker Gate, Nottingham, NG11JS - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 15
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant McArtney's
6 Wilford Rd, Nottingham, G116EN - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 15
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant Cafe Glee
Castle Wharf, Nottingham, NG17EH - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 18
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant The Hand and Heart
65-67 Derby Rd, Nottingham, NG15BA - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 10
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant The Navigation
6 Wilford St, Nottingham, NG21AA - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 13
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant Riverside Farm
Tottle Rd, Nottingham, NG21RT - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 57
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant Pitcher and Piano Nottingham
Unitarian Church, Nottingham, NG11HN - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 10
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant Treetops
187 Plains Rd, Nottingham, NG35RF - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 89
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant Restaurant 1877
128 Derby Rd, Nottingham, NG15FB - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 147
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant Morgans Plaice
2 Claye St, Nottingham, NG101AZ - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 151
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant The Pudding Pantry
27-29 Trinity Square, Nottingham, NG14AF - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 42
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant Shaw's
20-22 Broad St, Nottingham, NG13AL - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 35
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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Restaurant Red Heart
Easthorpe St, Nottingham, NG116LB - Nottinghamshire
1.5 0 25
# 3773 from 3773 Restaurants in Nottingham
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