Restaurants Cuisine Classic / Kidderminster (81)
Change cityRestaurant Bodenham Arboretum
Bodenham Arboretum, Kidderminster, DY115TB - Worcestershire
1.5 0 24
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant Main Kitchen
Main Kitchen, Kidderminster, DY116RJ - Worcestershire
1.5 0 27
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant The Kiddies Day Nursery
The Kiddies Day Nursery, Kidderminster, DY101XE - Worcestershire
1.5 0 29
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant Favor House
Favor House, Kidderminster, DY117BT - Worcestershire
1.5 0 74
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant Oscar's Diner
Oscar's Diner, Kidderminster, DY116XD - Worcestershire
1.5 0 115
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant West Mercia Magistrates Court
10 Comberton Place, Kidderminster, DY101QQ - Worcestershire
1.5 0 108
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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