Restaurants Cuisine Classic / Kidderminster (81)
Change cityRestaurant Coppice Lodge
Coppice Lodge, Kidderminster, DY117BY - Worcestershire
1.5 0 71
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant Kidderminster Fire Station
Kidderminster Fire Station, Kidderminster, DY116TH - Worcestershire
1.5 0 36
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant Off Train Kitchen
Off Train Kitchen, Kidderminster, DY101QX - Worcestershire
1.5 0 56
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant Swifts Butchers
Swifts Butchers, Kidderminster, DY103SA - Worcestershire
1.5 0 10
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant Tiger Bowl
Tiger Bowl, Kidderminster, DY102EN - Worcestershire
1.5 0 56
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant Deerhurst Day Nursery
Deerhurst Day Nursery, Kidderminster, DY115AD - Worcestershire
1.5 0 19
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant Kidderminster Golf Club
Kidderminster Golf Club, Kidderminster, DY103HT - Worcestershire
1.5 0 31
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant Offmore Residential Home
Offmore Residential Home, Kidderminster, DY103HB - Worcestershire
1.5 0 17
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant Tastyland
Tastyland, Kidderminster, DY101QN - Worcestershire
1.5 0 23
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant Vicki's Catering
Vicki's Catering, Kidderminster, DY117NY - Worcestershire
1.5 0 32
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant Fairmont Residential Ltd
Fairmont Residential Ltd, Kidderminster, DY101XB - Worcestershire
1.5 0 79
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant Kidderminster Hosp League of Friends
Kidderminster Hosp League of Friends, Kidderminster, DY116RJ - Worcestershire
1.5 0 67
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant Old Smithy Tearoom
Old Smithy Tearoom, Kidderminster, DY103RN - Worcestershire
1.5 0 51
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant Temptations
Temptations, Kidderminster, DY101AE - Worcestershire
1.5 0 32
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant Victoria House
Victoria House, Kidderminster, DY101UA - Worcestershire
1.5 0 47
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant Favor House
Favor House, Kidderminster, DY117BT - Worcestershire
1.5 0 74
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant Kidderminster Railway Museum
Kidderminster Railway Museum, Kidderminster, DY101QX - Worcestershire
1.5 0 82
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant Oscar's Diner
Oscar's Diner, Kidderminster, DY116XD - Worcestershire
1.5 0 115
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant The Academy
The Academy, Kidderminster, DY101AA - Worcestershire
1.5 0 100
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant West Mercia Magistrates Court
10 Comberton Place, Kidderminster, DY101QQ - Worcestershire
1.5 0 108
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant Foxwood
Foxwood, Kidderminster, DY115TR - Worcestershire
1.5 0 86
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant La Brasserie
La Brasserie, Kidderminster, DY116UU - Worcestershire
1.5 0 122
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant Pockets Snooker Club
Pockets Snooker Club, Kidderminster, DY102AD - Worcestershire
1.5 0 110
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant The Gables Rest Home
The Gables Rest Home, Kidderminster, DY115PB - Worcestershire
1.5 0 67
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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Restaurant Winterfold House School
Winterfold House School, Kidderminster, DY104PW - Worcestershire
1.5 0 19
# 459 from 459 Restaurants in Kidderminster
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