Restaurants Cuisine Classic / Kingston Upon Thames (81)
Change cityRestaurant Spuds
, Kingston Upon Thames, KT11EE - Surrey
1.5 0 157
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant Staff Catering Facilities
County Hall, Kingston Upon Thames, KT12DN - Surrey
1.5 0 125
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant Stone
, Kingston Upon Thames, KT11SU - Surrey
1.5 0 105
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant Strada Kingston
, Kingston Upon Thames, KT11JT - Surrey
1.5 0 157
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant Terra Mia
, Kingston Upon Thames, KT26QJ - Surrey
1.5 0 137
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant Terrace Eatery Ltd
, Kingston Upon Thames, KT11JE - Surrey
1.5 0 141
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant Thames Superfoods
, Kingston Upon Thames, KT13NQ - Surrey
1.5 0 161
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant The Brookwood Partnership Limited
Nikon House, Kingston Upon Thames, KT25PR - Surrey
1.5 0 104
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant The Cheeky Pea
, Kingston Upon Thames, KT11BL - Surrey
1.5 0 43
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant Akbar Restaurant
, Kingston Upon Thames, KT25EH - Surrey
1.5 0 35
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant Akinos
, Kingston Upon Thames, KT12JN - Surrey
1.5 0 45
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant Al Forno
1-3 Town End Parade, Kingston Upon Thames, KT11NA - Surrey
1.5 0 11
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant The Cornerstone
Unit 1, The Rotunda, Kingston Upon Thames, KT11QJ - Surrey
1.5 0 11
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant The Foodstore
Kingston University, Kingston Upon Thames, KT12EE - Surrey
1.5 0 13
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant Aobaba
, Kingston Upon Thames, KT11TY - Surrey
1.5 0 17
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant Baba Bar
Bus Terminal, Kingston Upon Thames, KT26RD - Surrey
1.5 0 60
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant The Healthy Cook Company Ltd
, Kingston Upon Thames, KT26QF - Surrey
1.5 0 27
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant Buon Gusto
, Kingston Upon Thames, KT11DF - Surrey
1.5 0 40
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant Caffe Bernardo
, Kingston Upon Thames, KT25EE - Surrey
1.5 0 27
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant Caffe Calabrese
, Kingston Upon Thames, KT27AE - Surrey
1.5 0 28
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant Caffe Castello
, Kingston Upon Thames, KT11ST - Surrey
1.5 0 66
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant The Riverside Vegetaria
, Kingston Upon Thames, KT11HN - Surrey
1.5 0 14
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant Canbury Pavillion Coffee Shop
Old Bowling Pavillion, Canbury, Kingston Upon Thames, KT25BB - Surrey
1.5 0 37
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant Cappadocia
1 - 4 Station Buildings, Kingston Upon Thames, KT11SW - Surrey
1.5 0 37
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant The Snackpot
, Kingston Upon Thames, KT27AF - Surrey
1.5 0 36
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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