Restaurants Cuisine European / Cambridge (8)
Change cityRestaurant Hotel Du Vin and Bistro - Cambridge
15 - 19 Trumpington St, Cambridge, B21QA - Cambridgeshire
1.5 0 207
# 1502 from 1502 Restaurants in Cambridge
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Restaurant Wildwood Restaurant
27-28 Bridge St, Cambridge, CB21UJ - Cambridgeshire
1.5 0 100
# 1502 from 1502 Restaurants in Cambridge
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Restaurant The Empress
72 Thoday St, Cambridge, CB13AX - Cambridgeshire
1.5 0 236
# 1502 from 1502 Restaurants in Cambridge
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Restaurant The Riverside Restuarant
Mill Lane, Cambridge, CB21RT - Cambridgeshire
1.5 0 141
# 1502 from 1502 Restaurants in Cambridge
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Restaurant Dervish
54 Mill Rd, Cambridge, CB10AH - Cambridgeshire
1.5 0 75
# 1502 from 1502 Restaurants in Cambridge
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Restaurant Venue
6 St. Edwards Passage, Cambridge, CB23PJ - Cambridgeshire
1.5 0 72
# 1502 from 1502 Restaurants in Cambridge
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Restaurant Red House
174 Telegraph Rd, Cambridge, CB10AH - Cambridgeshire
1.5 0 75
# 1502 from 1502 Restaurants in Cambridge
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Restaurant The Brunswick Restaurant
73 Newmarket Rd, Cambridge, CB58EG - Cambridgeshire
1.5 0 128
# 1502 from 1502 Restaurants in Cambridge
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Bistro Rainbow Cafe
4 from 5 1
Bistros / Restaurants
# 1 from 1 Bistro in Cambridge
A lovely little cafe. If you enjoy veget