Restaurants Cuisine French / Edinburgh (85)
Change cityRestaurant Bread Street Brasserie
34-36 Bread St, Edinburgh, EH39AF - Midlothian
1.5 0 9
# 4437 from 4437 Restaurants in Edinburgh
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Restaurant The Fountain
131 Dundee St, Edinburgh, EH111AX - Midlothian
1.5 0 10
# 4437 from 4437 Restaurants in Edinburgh
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Restaurant 21212 Restaurant
3 Royal Ter, Edinburgh, EH75AB - Midlothian
1.5 0 29
# 4437 from 4437 Restaurants in Edinburgh
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Restaurant La Bagatelle
22a Brougham Pl, Edinburgh, EH39JU - Midlothian
1.5 0 24
# 4437 from 4437 Restaurants in Edinburgh
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Restaurant Cafe St. Honore
34 North West Thistle Street, Edinburgh, EH21EA - Midlothian
1.5 0 133
# 4437 from 4437 Restaurants in Edinburgh
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Restaurant The Dome
14 George St, Edinburgh, EH22PF - Midlothian
1.5 0 53
# 4437 from 4437 Restaurants in Edinburgh
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Restaurant The Mulroy
11a-13a William St, Edinburgh, EH37NG - Midlothian
1.5 0 55
# 4437 from 4437 Restaurants in Edinburgh
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Restaurant The Water of Leith Café Bistro
52 Coburg St, Edinburgh, EH66HJ - Midlothian
1.5 0 48
# 4437 from 4437 Restaurants in Edinburgh
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Restaurant The Grill Room
1 Festival Sq, Edinburgh, EH39SR - Midlothian
1.5 0 9
# 4437 from 4437 Restaurants in Edinburgh
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Restaurant Metro West End
90 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh, EH125LQ - Midlothian
1.5 0 46
# 4437 from 4437 Restaurants in Edinburgh
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