Restaurants Cuisine Italian / Bradford (2142)
Change cityRestaurant Khans Fresh Fillings Sandwich Bar Ltd
Great Horton Rd 262, Bradford, BD7 1PU - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 6
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant Janan Ltd
Shearbridge Rd 14, Bradford, BD7 1NX - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 14
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant Happy Buddha
Gosforth High St, Bradford, BD49QY - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 9
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant Fiaza's Homemade
655 Huddersfield Rd, Bradford, BD128JX - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 5
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant Bar Me
20-32 Great Horton Rd, Bradford, BD71AL - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 31
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant Goodies Sandwich Bar
Thornton Rd 957, Bradford, BD8 0JD - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 31
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant Rocca Ristorante
Chat Hill Rd, Bradford, BD13 3AP - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 27
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant Yazz's Pizza Express
141 Oak Lane, Bradford, BD94RD - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 34
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant Brass
, Bradford, BD13HZ - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 40
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant Lalas Restaurant
Toller Ln 55, Bradford, BD8 9DD - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 36
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant Pizza Palace
4 Whitby Rd, Bradford, BD89JW - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 20
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant Springwood Stores
12a Spring Wood Gardens, Bradford, BD58QF - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 30
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant Gilly's Friendly Cafe
381 Thornton Rd, Bradford, BD133JX - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 1
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant The Brown Cow Inn
1370 Thornton Rd, Bradford, BD134HQ - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 2
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant Asia UK
35 Oak Lane, Bradford, BD94QB - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 6
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant Jacobs Well
14 Kent St, Bradford, BD15RL - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 4
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant Pizza Hut - Exchange Leisure Park, Bradford
Vicar Ln, Bradford, BD1 5DL - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 15
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant H and B Decorators
1 Adwalton Cl, Bradford, BD111DQ - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 20
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant Peri Peri Steak and Grillhouse
1264 Leeds Rd, Bradford, BD38LF - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 3
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant Hansons the Bakers
12 Duckworth Lane, Bradford, BD95EP - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 6
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant Cooplands
Victoria Shopping Centre, Thornton Rd, Bradford, BD89BN - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 6
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant Finbars Fish and Chips
34 Town Gate, Bradford, BD129NT - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 1
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant Martin Farr Decorators
57 Rillington Mead, Bradford, BD100EA - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 6
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant Bradford Rio's
7 Barry St, Bradford, BD12AL - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 1
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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Restaurant Gullivers Fisheries
1039 Great Horton Rd, Bradford, BD74LX - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 39
# 2460 from 2460 Restaurants in Bradford
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