Restaurants Cuisine Italian / Bristol (3597)
Change cityRestaurant Bonzo Lounge
Market Walk 9, Bristol, BS31 1FS - Avon
1.5 0 3
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant Popti & Beast
Mina Rd 94, Bristol, BS2 9XW - Avon
1.5 0 0
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant The Rudgeleigh
, Bristol, BS11AD - Avon
1.5 0 16
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant Belvino
West St 102-106, Bristol, BS3 3LR - Avon
1.5 0 5
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant Foundations Cafe
, Bristol, BS1 1LT - Avon
1.5 0 0
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant waldegrave arms
Church Ln, Bristol, BS40 6BE - Avon
1.5 0 0
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant Froyo2go
109 High St, Bristol, BS165HF - Avon
1.5 0 6
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant Chew Kitchen
, Bristol, BS40 8UP - Avon
1.5 0 4
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant Waterloo Hotel
77 Strand St, Bristol, IM12EN - Avon
1.5 0 0
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant Cafe 119
Station Rd 119, Bristol, BS48 1TA - Avon
1.5 0 7
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant Polo Grounds Diner
, Bristol, BS11AD - Avon
1.5 0 1
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant Vegan Cakes
Merton Rd 20, Bristol, BS7 8TL - Avon
1.5 0 4
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant Oak Tree Cafe
308 Gloucester Rd, Bristol, BS78PD - Avon
1.5 0 4
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant The George & Dragon Bristol
140A Church Rd, Bristol, BS59HN - Avon
1.5 0 9
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant Dottel
110 Stapleton Rd, Bristol, BS50PR - Avon
1.5 0 4
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant Maks Coffee Shop
429 Gloucester Rd, Bristol, BS78TZ - Avon
1.5 0 3
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant Frankie & Benny's New York Italian Restaurant & Bar - Bristol, Cabot Circus
Unit SU 83b, Bristol, BS13BX - Avon
1.5 0 4
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant Spice infusion takeaway Ltd
Mina Rd 92, Bristol, BS2 9XW - Avon
1.5 0 3
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant Vx Bristol
123 East St, Bristol, BS34ER - Avon
1.5 0 50
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant Steam Café Bar
15 Union Gate, Bristol, BS12DL - Avon
1.5 0 9
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant Griffin - John Barras Pubs
107 London Rd, Bristol, BS305JN - Avon
1.5 0 15
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant Europa Italian Restaurant
, Bristol, BS11JX - Avon
1.5 0 50
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant Rucola
59 Apsley Rd, Bristol, BS82SW - Avon
1.5 0 68
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant Yoyo Gourmet Hamburger
Byron Pl 6, Bristol, BS8 1JT - Avon
1.5 0 84
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Restaurant Sandwich Xpress
Southmead Rd 331, Bristol, BS40 5LW - Avon
1.5 0 53
# 4738 from 4738 Restaurants in Bristol
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Bistro Cafe Kino
3 from 5 1
# 1 from 1 Bistro in Bristol
A very simple coffeehouse with reasonabl