Restaurants Cuisine Italian / Leeds (3679)
Change cityRestaurant South Fried Chicken
Nowell Ln 34, Leeds, LS9 6JE - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 3
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant Yum Yum Noodle Bar
Queen's Rd 51, Leeds, LS6 1HY - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 2
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant Venus Restaurant
67 Domestic St, Leeds, LS119NS - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 0
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant The Little Gem Cafe
9 Irwin App, Leeds, LS150DW - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 0
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant Omnibus Limited
172 Easterly Rd, Leeds, LS83AD - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 23
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant Woo Woo Leeds
16-18 Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, LS11AZ - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 4
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant Engine House
Middleton Grove, Leeds, LS11AZ - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 0
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant The Sunshine Bakery - Chapel Allerton
182 Harrogate Rd, Leeds, LS11AZ - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 6
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant Nottinghamshire County Council
229 Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, LS23AP - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 0
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant A K Sugden
27 Theodore St, Leeds, LS117HE - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 2
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant Grey Goose Hotel
Belle Isle Rd, Leeds, LS103QJ - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 16
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant Munchbox Cafe & Takeaway
156 Stanningley Rd, Leeds, LS133AD - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 4
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant Pickles and Potter
18-20 Queens Arcade, Leeds, LS16LF - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 8
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant Yates Wine Lodges
24-28 Boar Lane, Leeds, LS15DA - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 17
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant Wing Lee Hong
Vicar Ln 117-119, Leeds, LS1 7PJ - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 18
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant Leeds Dock
, Leeds, LS10 1PZ - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 9
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant The Oldfield Hotel
146 Oldfield Lane, Workley, Leeds, LS124EU - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 11
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant New Rocky's Spice
Queen's Rd 49, Leeds, LS6 1HY - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 12
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant Pitza Cano Limited
, Leeds, LS85AN - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 11
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant The Wholemeal Confectioners
9 Chapel Street Halton, Leeds, LS157RN - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 8
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant Some Deli
Blenheim Terrace 24 Blenheim Terrace,, Leeds, LS2 9HH - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 3
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant Tommy Wass
450 Dewsbury Rd, Leeds, LS117LJ - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 6
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant Sedgwick Avenue Leeds
21 Merrion St, Leeds, LS28JE - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 4
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant Fish and Chips @ Number 3
Lane End 3, Leeds, LS28 9AD - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 3
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant Nash's
Merrion St 17, Leeds, LS2 8JE - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 8
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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