Restaurants Cuisine Italian / Leeds (3679)
Change cityRestaurant Pagsun Limited
Academy Building Gower St, Leeds, LS27PX - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 0
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant Yokohama K&J Restaurant
Roundhay Road 331, Leeds, LS8 4HT - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 18
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant Assembly Bar + Kitchen
, Leeds, LS6 3HN - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 11
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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Restaurant Happiness Cafe
236 Aspect 14, Elmwood Lane, Leeds, LS28WH - West Yorkshire
1.5 0 6
# 4951 from 4951 Restaurants in Leeds
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