Restaurants Cuisine Italian / Leicester (2717)
Change cityRestaurant Mini Case
22 Millstone Lane, Leicester, LE15JN - Leicestershire
1.5 0 5
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant The Western
70 Western Rd, Leicester, LE30GA - Leicestershire
1.5 0 6
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant The Quay
Western Boulevard, Leicester, LE27HN - Leicestershire
1.5 0 11
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant Firefly Bar
1 Millstone Lane, Leicester, LE15JN - Leicestershire
1.5 0 20
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant Three Kilns
69 Nicklaus Rd, Leicester, LE47RT - Leicestershire
1.5 0 24
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant O'Neill's
18-20 Loseby Lane, Leicester, LE15DR - Leicestershire
1.5 0 96
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant Brucciani
Fox Lane, Leicester, LE11WT - Leicestershire
1.5 0 6
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant Pizza Express
3-5 St. Martins Sq, Leicester, LE15DF - Leicestershire
1.5 0 12
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant Life
Humberstone Gate, Leicester, LE13PJ - Leicestershire
1.5 0 33
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant Lollipops Pottery Painting Studio
344 Welford Rd, Leicester, LE26EH - Leicestershire
1.5 0 6
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant Donner Express
Green La Rd, Leicester, LE54PA - Leicestershire
1.5 0 19
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant Cafe Italiano
5 East Bond St, Leicester, LE14SX - Leicestershire
1.5 0 22
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant The Salmon
Butt Close Lane, Leicester, LE14QA - Leicestershire
1.5 0 6
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant Pinocchio
66 Belgrave Gate, Leicester, LE13GQ - Leicestershire
1.5 0 14
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant Halal Fish and Chips
38 Cecil Rd, Leicester, LE20AD - Leicestershire
1.5 0 3
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant Mount Zion Inn Public House
76 Guthlaxton St, Leicester, LE20SE - Leicestershire
1.5 0 26
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant Blue Point
67 Evington Rd, Leicester, LE11AA - Leicestershire
1.5 0 9
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant Ron's Cafe
325 Abbey Lane, Leicester, LE45QJ - Leicestershire
1.5 0 35
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant The Owl and Pussycat
298 Melton Rd, Leicester, LE47SL - Leicestershire
1.5 0 20
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant Seventyz
52 Chatham St, Leicester, LE16PB - Leicestershire
1.5 0 15
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant Marz Bar
34 Belvoir St, Leicester, LE16QH - Leicestershire
1.5 0 307
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant Karen's Cafe
222 Melton Rd, Leicester, LE47PG - Leicestershire
1.5 0 5
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant Midlands Icing Centre 2000
19 Meadvale Rd, Leicester, LE23WN - Leicestershire
1.5 0 6
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant The Cob Shop
86 Hastings Rd, Leicester, LE50HL - Leicestershire
1.5 0 5
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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Restaurant The Cricketers
Grace Rd, Leicester, LE28AD - Leicestershire
1.5 0 22
# 3142 from 3142 Restaurants in Leicester
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