Restaurants Cuisine Italian / Oakham (84)
Change cityRestaurant The Falcon Hotel
High St E 7, Oakham, LE15 9PY - Rutland
1.5 0 17
# 94 from 94 Restaurants in Oakham
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Restaurant Angels
Burley Rd 2, Oakham, LE15 6DH - Rutland
1.5 0 14
# 94 from 94 Restaurants in Oakham
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Restaurant Amigos Pizza
12 Mill St, Oakham, LE156EA - Rutland
1.5 0 64
# 94 from 94 Restaurants in Oakham
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Restaurant Oakham Take Away
Mill St, Oakham, LE150AA - Rutland
1.5 0 18
# 94 from 94 Restaurants in Oakham
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Restaurant The Door to Himalayas
, Oakham, LE15 8EQ - Rutland
1.5 0 31
# 94 from 94 Restaurants in Oakham
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Restaurant The Plough
Main St 23, Oakham, LE15 7NJ - Rutland
1.5 0 31
# 94 from 94 Restaurants in Oakham
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Restaurant Mill Street Pub & Kitchen
Mill St 6, Oakham, LE15 6EA - Rutland
1.5 0 28
# 94 from 94 Restaurants in Oakham
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Restaurant Rutland Restaurant
10 Crown Walk, High St, Oakham, LE156BZ - Rutland
1.5 0 66
# 94 from 94 Restaurants in Oakham
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Restaurant A J's Bistro
2 Burley Rd, Oakham, LE156DH - Rutland
1.5 0 27
# 94 from 94 Restaurants in Oakham
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