Restaurants Cuisine Italian / Walsall (1006)
Change cityRestaurant Yummy Chinese Takeaway
Bloxwich Road 129, Walsall, WS2 8BS - West Midlands
1.5 0 8
# 1140 from 1140 Restaurants in Walsall
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Restaurant Hot Chilli
Bloxwich Road 600, Walsall, WS3 2XE - West Midlands
1.5 0 13
# 1140 from 1140 Restaurants in Walsall
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Restaurant Woodman Inn Walsall
Littlewood Lane, Walsall, WS67EJ - West Midlands
1.5 0 1
# 1140 from 1140 Restaurants in Walsall
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Restaurant The Varsity
, Walsall, WS11AA - West Midlands
1.5 0 1
# 1140 from 1140 Restaurants in Walsall
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Restaurant Fletchers Cake Studio
72 Stafford St, Walsall, WS28DR - West Midlands
1.5 0 1
# 1140 from 1140 Restaurants in Walsall
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Restaurant Acropolis Coffee Bar
22 Ravenscourt, Walsall, WS86EJ - West Midlands
1.5 0 0
# 1140 from 1140 Restaurants in Walsall
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