Restaurants Cuisine Italian / Watford (660)
Change cityRestaurant Velvet Goldmine Night Club
Watford Colosseum, Rickmansworth Rd, Watford, WD173JN - Hertfordshire
1.5 0 7
# 827 from 827 Restaurants in Watford
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Restaurant Dunnings Bar
153 St. Albans Rd, Watford, WD245BB - Hertfordshire
1.5 0 32
# 827 from 827 Restaurants in Watford
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Restaurant The Anchor
185A St. Albans Rd, Watford, WD245BD - Hertfordshire
1.5 0 26
# 827 from 827 Restaurants in Watford
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Restaurant Wendy's Bakery
57 The Brow, Watford, WD257NY - Hertfordshire
1.5 0 18
# 827 from 827 Restaurants in Watford
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Restaurant Olivios Pizzeria and Restaurant
72 high Rd, bushey Heath, Watford, WD231GE - Hertfordshire
1.5 0 16
# 827 from 827 Restaurants in Watford
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Restaurant Kingswood Specialist Glazing
9 Kingswood Rd, Watford, WD250EE - Hertfordshire
1.5 0 5
# 827 from 827 Restaurants in Watford
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Restaurant Tudor Cafe
188 Bushey Mill Lane, Watford, WD247PE - Hertfordshire
1.5 0 6
# 827 from 827 Restaurants in Watford
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Restaurant Martin Woods
12 Munden Grove, Watford, WD247EE - Hertfordshire
1.5 0 11
# 827 from 827 Restaurants in Watford
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Restaurant Baker Tilly
Meridien House 69-71, Clarendon Rd, Watford, WD171DS - Hertfordshire
1.5 0 16
# 827 from 827 Restaurants in Watford
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Restaurant Walford Decorating
9 Knutsford Av, Watford, WD247EJ - Hertfordshire
1.5 0 28
# 827 from 827 Restaurants in Watford
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