Restaurants in London map and directions

Detalii Bar/Pub HOGGS BAR indicatii stradale restaurant London

Interactive map for London Bar/Pub HOGGS BAR restaurants nearby and location of restaurant

Detailed map of area Bar/Pub HOGGS BAR
Address: 1 EAGRALOUGHER ROAD, Armagh, BT618AL - County Armagh
Type of restaurant : Bars/Pubs Contact Information


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This restaurant has no reviews yet. Have you been here? Be to one to add the first review on Restaurant Zanzibar Coffee Shop & Bistro  click here!

Mono (226.99 km)


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I discovered the Mono Cafe when I visited Glasgow with my wife. It has who says it!

The Fat Italian (256.52 km)


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A small Italian restaurant with reasonable food, acceptable prices and who says it!

Mexican Bar, Grill and Takeaway (261.37 km)


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The food is more Tex-Mex than purely Mexican, but it is very affordabl who says it!

Meet Argentinian Steakhouse (262.46 km)


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Ever had a bad craving for steak? Well, I did and luckily for me, my f who says it!

Other restaurants in the same area

Transylvania (28.55 km)


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This restaurant has no reviews yet. Have you been here? Be to one to add the first review on Restaurant Transylvania  click here!

Nur (226.3 km)


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This restaurant has no reviews yet. Have you been here? Be to one to add the first review on Restaurant Nur  click here!

Pietra (257.22 km)


# 4 from 4835 Restaurants in Liverpool
Pietra is my favorite Italian restaurant in Liverpool. The ambiance is who says it!

Thai Pan (261.32 km)


# 24 from 4835 Restaurants in Liverpool
The Thai Pan is the best Chinese food I had the luck to enjoy with my  who says it!

One Melling Road (261.78 km)


# 21 from 4835 Restaurants in Liverpool
Perfect for a romantic night out. The building in which the restaurant who says it!

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