Restaurants in Cambridge map and directions

Detalii Restaurant Athena Sandwich Bar & Cafe indicatii stradale restaurant Cambridge

Interactive map for Cambridge Restaurant Athena Sandwich Bar & Cafe restaurants nearby and location of restaurant

Detailed map of area Restaurant Athena Sandwich Bar & Cafe
Address: 360 Marsh Lane, Bootle, L209BX - Merseyside
Type of restaurant : Restaurants Contact Information


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One Melling Road (2.52 km)


# 21 from 4835 Restaurants in Liverpool
Perfect for a romantic night out. The building in which the restaurant who says it!

Kemp's Bistro (2.71 km)


# 4 from 4835 Restaurants in Liverpool
Kemp's bistro reminds me of a crystal palace more than a French restau who says it!

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The Thai Pan is the best Chinese food I had the luck to enjoy with my  who says it!

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Pietra is my favorite Italian restaurant in Liverpool. The ambiance is who says it!

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A small Italian restaurant with reasonable food, acceptable prices and who says it!

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A trendy restaurant with a modern design. The menu consists of a numbe who says it!

Trattoria 51 (5.28 km)


# 21 from 4835 Restaurants in Liverpool
My favorite thing about Trattoria is the warm atmosphere and, of cours who says it!

Casa Italia (5.47 km)


# 21 from 4835 Restaurants in Liverpool
Charming little Italian restaurant with good food and a very friendly, who says it!

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I ate at the Olive Restaurant on three different instances and have ne who says it!

Bistro Pierre (5.57 km)


# 21 from 4835 Restaurants in Liverpool
A relaxed French restaurant that is perfect for a nice dinner with the who says it!

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