Restaurants Cuisine Indian / Kendal (9)
Change cityRestaurant Manna at the Gate
128 Stricklandgate, Kendal, LA94QG - Cumbria
1.5 0 47
# 354 from 354 Restaurants in Kendal
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Restaurant British Raj
76 Kirkland, Kendal, LA95AP - Cumbria
1.5 0 84
# 354 from 354 Restaurants in Kendal
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Restaurant Eastern Balti
22 Wildman St, Kendal, LA96EN - Cumbria
1.5 0 60
# 354 from 354 Restaurants in Kendal
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Restaurant Bengal
Blackhall St, Kendal, LA94BL - Cumbria
1.5 0 52
# 354 from 354 Restaurants in Kendal
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Restaurant Flavour of India
20 Blackhall Rd, Kendal, LA94BW - Cumbria
1.5 0 38
# 354 from 354 Restaurants in Kendal
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Restaurant Spice Garden
8 Stramongate, Kendal, LA94BH - Cumbria
1.5 0 64
# 354 from 354 Restaurants in Kendal
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Restaurant Indian Palace
8 Stramongate, Kendal, LA94BN - Cumbria
1.5 0 44
# 354 from 354 Restaurants in Kendal
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Restaurant Starleys
Main st, Kendal, LA80AA - Cumbria
1.5 0 63
# 354 from 354 Restaurants in Kendal
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Restaurant The Royal Thawa
8 Kent St, Kendal, LA94AT - Cumbria
1.5 0 57
# 354 from 354 Restaurants in Kendal
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