Restaurants Cuisine Japanese / Kingston Upon Thames (5)
Change cityRestaurant Sushi and Maki
74 Richmond Rd, Kingston Upon Thames, KT25EL - Surrey
1.5 0 35
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant Aji
54 Eden St, Kingston Upon Thames, KT11EE - Surrey
1.5 0 45
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant Satori Sushi
The Rotunda, Kingston Upon Thames, KT11QJ - Surrey
1.5 0 41
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant Makiyaki
74 Richmond Rd, Kingston Upon Thames, KT25EL - Surrey
1.5 0 29
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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Restaurant Mino Japanese Restaurant
20 Eden St, Kingston Upon Thames, KT11BB - Surrey
1.5 0 29
# 534 from 534 Restaurants in Kingston Upon Thames
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